Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tuesday's at Lovey's

Dottie and I got up and got ready to go to Lovey's on Tuesday.  Ryan helped me get everything together for the day.  Dottie slept the whole way to Lovey's.  That was wonderful.  We arrived a little after nine.  Melonee was running around the house and Lovey was working in the beauty shop.  Lovey told me that Mel was tired, but I knew it would be a little while before she would go down. 

Uncle Ryan dropped Aunt Alice off about ten to help me out with Mel and Dot.  Alice fed Dottie while I got Melonee down for a nap.  During nap time I tried to make bread and granola for the week.  Alice went to town to run errands and pick up lunch. 

Melonee woke up in time for lunch.  We had barbecue, baked beans and cole slaw.  Mel dug into the baked beans...she loves them.  Well, this grosses Aunt Alice out.  Somehow in our (Alice and I) conversation, Alice volunteered to give Melonee a bath.  By that time, Uncle Ryan had come in and Dottie had woke up.  When Alice saw the baked bean coverage all over Melonee, she tried to back out of bath time.  I told her this was good experience for her.  They started the bath and all I heard was SIT DOWN....please.  I went in there and told her that she had to play with Melonee and stop being a drill sargent.  (Aunt Alice by profession is a police officer.)  She is wonderful with the girls, but a little rough with her words.  Melonee survived bath time without any tears!!!  Aunt Alice helps me quite a bit on Tuesdays.

Alice and I took Melonee to see Great Grannie Payne for a little bit.  Grannie loves to hear Melonee talk and dance.  Melonee can say wa wa for water and we are working with her to say Melonee...she can say Mel and Melon...we are still working on the ee.  She is starting to do the twist and really shake.  She moves her hands up and down, nods her head, and shrugs her shoulders to dance. 

Papa came home about 4:15.  Lovey had just started supper.  She decided that we would have grilled chicken.  Papa started the grill.  Lovey had washed all of Melonee's dishes to her kitchen set and was unloading the dish washer.  Well, Melonee saw her dishes and was running back and forth from the dish washer and the grill following Papa and Lovey.  Next thing I know Papa came in and told us we missed a special moment.  Melonee had taken one of her little dishes out to Papa but realized it was too small.  So she came back to the dish washer and got the special plate that she eats out of and ran back to the grill.  She handed it to Papa for him to put some chicken on her plate.  Melonee was ready to eat some chicken.  Papa loves watching the girls grow up.  They tickle him to death.

After dinner, Lovey gave Dottie a bath while I got the kids stuff ready to go home.  Dottie really loves the water.  She is so happy.  Dottie is still cooing and smiling.  The bath relaxes her and tires her out.  I got Dottie ready for bed.  Melonee was running around and I could tell she was also that point I knew it was time to go.  I like for the girls to sleep on the way home.  It is about an hour is better if they sleep.

Ryan was excited to see his girls!  Melonee was tuckered out and we took her straight to bed.  Dottie stayed asleep till we were ready for bed.  Then she was ready to eat and play.  I got a bottle ready for Ryan to feed Dottie and then I went to take a shower.  During my shower, Ryan comes in and asks "is it just me that this happens to?"  Turns out Dottie had peed and spit up on him at the same time!  Ryan has a hard time, but loves every minute.  Dottie just smiled and you could tell she was relieved.  We played with her for a while and went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog design and love the story about Alice, the baked beans and bath time!!
