Thursday, October 20, 2011

Where does the time go?

Well, it has been a while since my last blog.  Between feedings, diaper changes, snacks, activities and naps...time just seems to get lost.

Melonee is almost two!!!  Dottie is 10 months!!   The girls are really playing well together.  Last month we got them a butterfly tunnel that they love to play in!!  Melonee will crawl through it real quick and shut the door and then Dottie will get half way through and Mel will play peek-a-boo with her and they both just laugh.  There is nothing better than hearing them laugh together.  Just last week I gave Melonee some pinto beans and mashed potatoes for lunch...needless to say she had it from her nose to her chest covered.  I finished feeding Dottie and let her down to play and cleaned Melonee up so she could play with Dottie.  As I was cleaning the last bean off the floor I heard the two laughing....Dottie somehow managed to get the Cheerios from the diaper bag on the stairs and was standing by the couch eating them out of the bag.  So I went from pintos to finding cheerios all over the place.

Melonee can count to ten pretty good, however it is on her own time.  She is saying her ABC's better too.  Sometime last week she sneezed and she said scat tom.  Mel is singing a little too...Twinkle, twinkle little star and the Elmo song.  The sayings are getting funnier each day.  This past week when she is ready to go to bed she has been bringing me a blue blanket that I have had since my birth (it came from Hammers on the square in Winchester in 1980), turning the light off herself and crawling up in my lap.  When she cannot find the blue blanket, she will come to me and say boo banket.  She is definitely turning into a mini me!  She loves to watch the Muppet Show!  Kermit and Miss Piggy.   Also, she could watch Winnie the Pooh over and over.  When we are in the kitchen, she will take a chair and push it to where ever I am working and will watch and try to work with me.  Mel is a busy body for sure.

Dottie is going to be into everything!  Everything she picks up goes straight to her mouth!  She follows us around and is just babbling.  She can say Dadadada very well.  Dot is also moving quick.  When she hears music she breaks out into a dance that is hilarious. She likes to shake her booty.  If she sees something that she wants, she will get it.  The child is very determined and has a wonderful memory.  Out of sight, out of mind does not work with this child.  Ryan has started calling her Chuckles...she laughs alot and is also very ticklish.

Ryan turned on Winnie the Pooh for Mel the other night and they were both setting in their rocking chairs watching the was too cute.  Dottie was really rocking and eating it up.  They also like to get on the piano and play.  They are just so good about playing with each other.....however they do have their moments.  For example, Dottie will be standing by the toy box and Melonee will want her to do something...well, Melonee will grab her and pull her where ever she thinks Dottie needs to be.  I have a feeling this will not last long before Dottie will big enough to pull Mel around!