Friday, March 18, 2011

Dottie's Three Month Pix

Saturday March 12th, we wake up running because we have to be at The Factory in Franklin by 8:30.  Kayla spent the night with us so she could help with the girls.  We had the bags packed and out the door just in time.  It really helps when you have an extra set of hands.  As I was sitting in between Dottie and Melonee, I realized that I had forgot their face lotion.  To our saving grace, Renae stopped and picked some up and even beat us to The Factory.  We met with Ilde and the pictures started and so did the chaos.  Melonee is wonderful one on one but to get her to sit down to do a family shot was crazy.  She wanted to run around and pull her skirt above her head.  What can I say she gets it honest.  I can only imagine what the family shot is going to look like.....Dottie did wonderful.  We dressed her up in a too-too and I really think we got some really good shots.  While we were changing Dottie,  Ilde got some great shots of Melonee.  Then we were back to Dottie...I am so impressed with how well she did considering she was up for an hour before we started taking the pictures.  The last picture we took we dressed her up in a black and white polka dot dress with a hot pink band around the waist and a hot pink feather in her hair.  Ilde placed Dottie on her stomach on a wooden wagon with a mirror behind her...oh, she was also asleep.  So cute!!!   I am very excited to see this picture.  All in all, the girls did wonderful with help from Aunt Kayla and Aunt Renae.  Melonee ran all over The Factory.   She is a mess.  Melonee picked a flower for us and would run to get another one.  By the time we got back in the car, the girls were both asleep.  What a relief.  We ran back by the house and picked up our luggage and we headed off to Lovey and Pops house.

Lovey, Papa, Aunt Kayla and Alice volunteered to keep the girls while Ryan and I went to Dalton Georgia.  We wanted to check out the Southern Living House that they decorate each year with the latest fashions.  It would take a full day just to look at all the furnishing they have for houses.

Sunday...Ryan and I got to sleep in!!!!  That was the high light of our day.  We had to go to a baby shower that afternoon.  We dressed the girls up and they were adorable.  Everyone just oohed and gooed over them.  I think my girls are wonderful and beautiful, but I never expected anyone outside the family to notice.  However, it does make me feel good.  I love my girls.

Lovey and Kayla wanted Melonee to spend the night and oh how excited she was to stay.  She jumped in Lovey's arms and waved as we made our way back to Murfreesboro.

A week in a blink of an eye

I have always been told that it takes a village to raise your children.  This advice has real truth.  I am so blessed to have family to help with the girls.  Ryan and I are very family oriented and hope to in steel this in our children.

The past two weeks have been a whirl wind.  It is amazing how something can come up every day.  I was for sure that after I got married that my life would slow down, but somehow each day tends to go faster and faster.  Melonee and Dottie are developing so quick.  Melonee seems to do something new each day.  Last week Lovey was putting peanut butter in a container and Melonee ended up with the spoon and peanut butter all over her.  Papa came home during the peak of this venture and asked Lovey to wash Melonee off so he could play with her.  Also, last week we went to Aunt Renae's.  Renae took Melonee's clothes off to put her pajama's on and as soon as the cloths came off she took off.  She likes to run around in her diaper.  It was pretty funny.  Her arms go up and she starts running.  Nana and Pop really enjoy seeing the girls and spending time with them.

Tata and Pop's birthdays are close together so we went to Puelo's Grill to celebrate.  This was very entertaining.  Melonee is getting harder to control in public places.  She thinks she can just run around anywhere.  So we sit down to order and Ryan and I go back and forth trying to decide what to eat.  One of us has to get something that Melonee can eat.  Pop's orders appetizers....Melonee starts eating...the next thing I know she is burping so loud that the whole restaurant could hear it, of coarse she starts laughing.  Tata even heard her burp!  As we get our meal, Dottie gets hungry.  I start feeding Dottie and Ryan is feeding Melonee.  Pops finishes his meal first and wants to hold Dottie.  Then Nana decides she wants to hold Melonee.  Then it happened Melonee decided she needed to poop...Nana wafts it Pops way and that was it.  It made him sick.  I go change the diaper and it is time to go.  I have found that going out to eat really just isn't worth it for me.  My life is more comfortable dining in my own kitchen.

Dottie is getting stronger.  She is almost ready to sit in the bumbo.  Nana kept the girls for me one day.  When I came home Dottie was laying on her back staring at her fist.  She had found her hands.  Dottie is also smiling and laughing more often.  We love to hear her laugh.  She has also been happier.  I have been laying her on her stomach more and I have noticed that she is trying to turn over.  I am sure that it will be a little while, but I feel the time is coming.

This past Friday I went to Vanderbilt with Papa and Lovey...Papa had to go see a heart surgeon.  Ryan took the day off to keep the girls.   Nana came over and helped Ryan take the girls to story time.  While they were at story time, we found out that Papa has to have surgery on his heart on Thursday March 17th.  Papa is a very strong man and he will be fine.  This is just a little hiccup in his life.

On a side note, Ryan and I have celebrated our 4th anniversary.  Four years and two children....where does the time go.  Papa and Lovey kept the girls while Ryan and I went to Marina's on the square.  We enjoyed our meal and headed back to relieve the grandparents.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tuesday's at Lovey's

Dottie and I got up and got ready to go to Lovey's on Tuesday.  Ryan helped me get everything together for the day.  Dottie slept the whole way to Lovey's.  That was wonderful.  We arrived a little after nine.  Melonee was running around the house and Lovey was working in the beauty shop.  Lovey told me that Mel was tired, but I knew it would be a little while before she would go down. 

Uncle Ryan dropped Aunt Alice off about ten to help me out with Mel and Dot.  Alice fed Dottie while I got Melonee down for a nap.  During nap time I tried to make bread and granola for the week.  Alice went to town to run errands and pick up lunch. 

Melonee woke up in time for lunch.  We had barbecue, baked beans and cole slaw.  Mel dug into the baked beans...she loves them.  Well, this grosses Aunt Alice out.  Somehow in our (Alice and I) conversation, Alice volunteered to give Melonee a bath.  By that time, Uncle Ryan had come in and Dottie had woke up.  When Alice saw the baked bean coverage all over Melonee, she tried to back out of bath time.  I told her this was good experience for her.  They started the bath and all I heard was SIT DOWN....please.  I went in there and told her that she had to play with Melonee and stop being a drill sargent.  (Aunt Alice by profession is a police officer.)  She is wonderful with the girls, but a little rough with her words.  Melonee survived bath time without any tears!!!  Aunt Alice helps me quite a bit on Tuesdays.

Alice and I took Melonee to see Great Grannie Payne for a little bit.  Grannie loves to hear Melonee talk and dance.  Melonee can say wa wa for water and we are working with her to say Melonee...she can say Mel and Melon...we are still working on the ee.  She is starting to do the twist and really shake.  She moves her hands up and down, nods her head, and shrugs her shoulders to dance. 

Papa came home about 4:15.  Lovey had just started supper.  She decided that we would have grilled chicken.  Papa started the grill.  Lovey had washed all of Melonee's dishes to her kitchen set and was unloading the dish washer.  Well, Melonee saw her dishes and was running back and forth from the dish washer and the grill following Papa and Lovey.  Next thing I know Papa came in and told us we missed a special moment.  Melonee had taken one of her little dishes out to Papa but realized it was too small.  So she came back to the dish washer and got the special plate that she eats out of and ran back to the grill.  She handed it to Papa for him to put some chicken on her plate.  Melonee was ready to eat some chicken.  Papa loves watching the girls grow up.  They tickle him to death.

After dinner, Lovey gave Dottie a bath while I got the kids stuff ready to go home.  Dottie really loves the water.  She is so happy.  Dottie is still cooing and smiling.  The bath relaxes her and tires her out.  I got Dottie ready for bed.  Melonee was running around and I could tell she was also that point I knew it was time to go.  I like for the girls to sleep on the way home.  It is about an hour is better if they sleep.

Ryan was excited to see his girls!  Melonee was tuckered out and we took her straight to bed.  Dottie stayed asleep till we were ready for bed.  Then she was ready to eat and play.  I got a bottle ready for Ryan to feed Dottie and then I went to take a shower.  During my shower, Ryan comes in and asks "is it just me that this happens to?"  Turns out Dottie had peed and spit up on him at the same time!  Ryan has a hard time, but loves every minute.  Dottie just smiled and you could tell she was relieved.  We played with her for a while and went to bed.

Dottie's two month check up

Dottie and I went to see Dr. Rosser this past Monday for her two month check-up.  She is in the 40th percentile weighing a whopping 11 pounds and a height of 22 1/2 inches.  Dr. Rosser said she looks great.  Then it happened, the nurse came in with the shots... three of them.  The screaming started.  It just breaks my heart to hear her scream.  After the shots, Dottie cried for a little while and then luckily fell a sleep.  We then met Mom, Kay, and Melonee at Belk.  Mom decided that she wanted Melonee to go home with her.  So we ran home to get her bags packed.  While we were packing Mel, she grabbed a beanie baby bear and started patting it on the back like we do Dottie.  Then she tried to wrap the bear up in the blanket, also like we do Dottie.  Melonee really cracks me up.  I am starting to notice more and more that she is mimicking me in my daily routines.  Even her facial expressions are starting to resemble mine.  Anyway, Lovey helped her wrap the bear up and they were off to see Papa.

I called later that night to check on Melonee.  It sounded like a three ring circus in the back ground.  Lovey and Melonee were playing with her kitchen set.  Papa told me that Lovey got up in the attic and got some more toys down.  She has a collection of beanie babies she got down along with bags to help organize her toys.  Yep, the girl likes to get stuff out of a bag and then put it back in the bag.  She also loves her grandfather's wallet.  She will get the credit cards out and try to put them back in the same slot.  Papa told me that they played hard til about 10 PM.  She literally goes till she passes out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dottie takes the cake!!!!

There are days when I feel that all Moms should grow an extra set of arms along with the pregnancy.  Sunday was one of those days.  Ryan and I got up and hit the floor running....we were trying to get to church by 8 a.m.  I started getting ready, Ryan took Dottie and ate breakfast, and waited for Melonee to get up.  Ryan then gave Dottie a bath.  The only day we need Melonee to get up early is the day she sleeps in.  She finally got up at seven.  Breakfast, dresses, bows, diaper bag, and we are out the door by 7:50.  We arrive 10 minutes late for church...keep in mind our church has two services and has 2000+ members.  The only seats available were at the very top of the balcony.  Finally we get situated,  Melonee is eating her cheerios and Dottie is in Ryan's lap.  We seem to be doing great.  This was Dottie's first time in Sunday service.  Well, ten minutes into the sermon Ryan turns to me and asks if I heard that...I said thing I know he is asking for a wipe....then I see poop all over Ryan and Dottie!  I then ask him if we need to leave (haha). We run out of service into the changing station take care of Dottie and try to get to the car before anyone could see us.  We succeed.  Melonee seems to be a little confused about what is going on but goes along with it.

That afternoon, we decided to take the girls for a walk in the neighborhood.  After our walk, Ryan got the kite out for Melonee to fly.  She ran around and played.  Dottie and I just watched.  We had a wonderful Sunday despite our little episode that morning.

Week of 2-20-11

People have always told me that events happen in threes....they are not kidding. Papa(my father) had a heart cath done on Monday. Also, on Monday Grannie Payne had back surgery. So that morning was crazy trying to get to the hospital in time. Great Aunt Kay volunteered to stay with both girls..this was huge. However, getting everything together takes time. Anyway, everything went great. The girls were very well behaved and did not overwhelm Kay. Melonee was very happy and even wanted to go home with Kay. Dottie is still in chill mode.

Due to a death in the family we decided to stay home on Tuesday. However, the funeral was in Winchester so we went to Lovey's and Papa's Tuesday night. The girls love seeing their grandparents. This is also Aunt Alice and Uncle Ryan's days off but they had to work so we only got to see them a couple of hours. Melonee loves playing with her kitchen set and playing in the beauty shop while Lovey works. Papa's eyes just light up when Melonee talks to him. He also loves holding Dottie. He is convinced that he has taught Dottie to coo. It's actually pretty funny to watch them together.

Wednesday Melonee and Dottie got to see both sides of the family...for the exception of Pops...he was in Honduras for a mission trip. The girls get lots of attention. Ryan took Melonee to Wal-Mart and came back with a kite. She loves being outside! After the funeral, Ryan, Melonee, Lovey, and Papa went outside. The kite flying was touch and go...Melonee likes to run around the yard. Dottie and I stayed inside out of the wind. Aunt Alice and Uncle Ryan came up and visited a while and played with Melonee.

On Friday, we usually go to story time but Nana was busy on Friday. Well, I told Melonee that we would go somewhere so we went to see Daddy. We went to pick him up at Sunset and we went in and got to meet the principal Ms. Josie Jacobs.  She is really great with children!!!  Dottie melted right into her hands.  Then we were off on our first lunch out as a family.  We went to Oscars in Nolensville.  Dottie did great and Melonee did good as well.  Melonee eats great for her age.  I can only hope that Dottie will eat well too.

We always enjoy the weekends!!  Ryan helps out tremendously.  Friday night he took Melonee back to Wal-Mart and came back with a purple bean bag.  He loves finding new things for the girls.  Saturday, Ryan took Melonee outside while he cleaned the vehicles.  She love to act like she is driving.  Dottie is still sleeping a lot, but when she is awake she is happy and smiling and enjoying life.  I just enjoy seeing her smile and coo.